
Monday, January 15, 2018

Book Review-Sanctuary Of Lies-A Goddess Fish Promo Tour w/Giveaway

About the book 
There are 4.7 billion searchable sites make up 10% of the web, the other 90% is dedicated to the "Dark web". Within that environment there is a thriving economy where everything is for sale: Sex, Armies and Code for hire. Well-known companies buy and sell for governments and NGO’s (non-governmental organizations). They appear as a benign legal boutique companies and consultants, but their true purpose is to be the middlemen/cyber lynchpin for these illicit goods and services.​

ISABELLA NUNEZ owns a computer firm in Brooklyn with her lover JACOB COSTA. Accepting her infertility they have a blue nose pit bull called Justice as their “child” and live simple lives as techy nerds. Isabella’s idyllic life is shattered when several days after her lover’s ex-wife, SIMONE JOHNS, reported death, Simone sends Jacob an email to come save their child, he didn’t know they had.

Read and excerpt 
Thursday 6:00 a.m, Orlando at Sanctuary

“Digging graves in a golf course is not as easy as it looks’ thought John Kooma. He stood up as the cool Florida morning wind dried the sweat from his soaked work shirt. A pair of chipmunks stopped a foot away and then turned and ran away. He should be use to it by now. It wasn’t like this was the first body he’d put here.

Watching the chipmunks retreat he thought ‘Look at that even animals have enough sense not to be nosy.’  John reached into his back pocket and pulled out a bottle of spring water. After taking a large gulp from the bottle he wiped his mouth and looked at the grave in front of him.

“It sure was a shame she had to go. At least she won’t be alone. I’ve buried the other five in this same area so you all can talk to each other if you need to. I think being nosy is a sin, so you might not be making it to the Lord any time so but. you’ll have each other.”

John looked at the other new grass plugs in the area.  He was a tidy man.  He always cleaned up after himself. After picking up his shovel, he continued to even the ground. Then, just like so many before her, he put the grass plugs over them. When he was done he noticed he hadn’t brought the water cans, so he just emptied his bottle of water over her plot. It wasn’t enough water but he knew he’d be back, there were always nosy people.

And I thought 
Looking like a great start to a new series.  Sanctuary of Lies
is full of suspense, and action.  

A fast paced ride that will keep you turning the pages to the end. 
Although it is fast past I found it to be a bit of a slow read for me because it took a bit of real concentrating to keep up with what was going on.  

I enjoyed the chance to read Sanctuary of Lies and look forward to the remaining part of the series. 

I received a complimentary copy from Goddess Fish Promotions
This review will appear on Amazon and Good Reads. 

Buy the book 
The tour
Visit the tour stops for to enter Giveaway, read more reviews and exceperts.
January 8The Reading Addict
January 15My Reading Journeys
January 22Fabulous and Brunette
January 29Emily Carrington

January 29Bookaholic

Enter the Giveaway now

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you I love to get feed back from readers

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading. I'm always open and eager to get feedback from my readers

  3. Great cover and the fact that it goes well with the overall premise of the storyline.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the input on the cover. The cover is so important and an author needs lots of input to make sure it captures the heart of the book.

  4. Thanks so much for the review and giveaway also.

    1. No problem thanks for stopping by

  5. Replies
    1. I hope you get a chance to read it. I always look forward to introducing my books to new readers.

  6. Enjoyed the excerpt.

    1. Thank you so much. Writing can be lonely and getting outside views are the lifeblood of writers improving their craft.

  7. I enjoyed reading about your book; congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt.

  8. Enjoyed reading the excerpt and the blogger's thoughts on your book.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the excerpt and I appreciate the time my host took in reading my book.

  9. The excerpt is great. Makes me want to read more

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt and I hope you get the chance to read it. I always want the input of new readers.

  10. thanks for hosting the give a way. this cover is really interesting
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

    1. Covers are like naming children. Before they arrive you put a lot of thought into it and hope for the best.

  11. Who is your favorite literary character? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. My favorite character is Drizzt from R.A.Salvatore.

  12. Do you prefer e-books or print books?

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I do both. I read on ebook and if it really moves me I'll buy the print book as well

  13. well, so much for nosy people.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  14. What is your favorite type of book to read? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com

    1. I like to read history, thriller and alternative fantasy. Good luck and thanks for stopping by

  15. What authors have inspired you?

    1. This question is asked a lot by readers. Its always hard for me to answer because many authors inspired me at different times in my writing development some of them are Shel Silverstein, r.A. Salvatore

  16. the excerpt draws one onto the story
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks! I hope you get a chance to read it.

  18. Music or silence while writing?

  19. where did you get your inspiration from?
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  20. Thanks for sharing this giveaway and good luck on your book.

  21. this book looks like there are so many different levels/depths to it. the excerpt is interesting.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  22. Are you friends with any authors?

  23. well that had to be interesting to find out you have a child you knew nothing about. talk about emotions flying.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  24. What is your favorite genre?

  25. What do you do to unwind and relax?

  26. Do you have a favorite movie?

  27. what gave you the inspiration for this book?
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  28. Is this a stand alone book or part of a series?

  29. What was your favorite childhood book?

  30. What books have most influenced your life?

  31. Sounds like a great read.

  32. If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?

  33. Pen or typewriter or computer?

  34. What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?
