
Sunday, October 8, 2023

Brush Up On Murder by Sybil Johnson Great Escapes Book Tour

 October 9 – My Reading Journeys – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

Interview with Author 



September.  I  am glad to be in the 'ber' months.  I am waiting for cooler weather are you? 

I don’t much like hot weather. I’m more a fan of moderate, which is why I live near the beach. It’s not usually horrendously hot here, though it has been known to reach 100 on a rare occasion. Not fun when you don’t have air conditioning!

What is your favorite drink on a hot day when you’re parched? 

A cold glass of lemonade or Diet Coke. 

I am so glad you are touring with Great Escapes again.  With several tours behind you now what is your favorite part of the tour?  

Connecting with readers. I like doing interviews like this one.

 Are you a daily writer with a plan and agenda? Tell us about a typical day.

I typically write 5 days a week, M-F. I only work on the weekends if I have a deadline coming up or I feel a scene wanting to come out of my brain. I’m not a morning person so I don’t start writing until around 10 a.m. Between then and the time I get up around 7:30, I read the paper, read email, work on website work and do some puzzles to get my brain going.

Favorite snack while your working on that word count.  

I try not to snack because I can go overboard with that. When I do, it’s something like popcorn.

What is your favorite part of writing? 

Coming up with the initial idea and plotting the general direction the story is going. That also includes coming up with the new characters. I’m a plantser so I do some outlining, but not an extensive amount before I start writing.

If you could take your character anywhere in the world where would you go? 

A cruise would be interesting. I think Rory would enjoy that.   

I never ask if an author has a favorite character but is there a sub character in your casts that is just waitin' for a chance at a lead? 

I feel like Liz, Rory’s BFF, is waiting for her own story. Or Detective Green.

What about villains.  Have there been any that kinda tugged at your heart strings and you hated making he or she the bad guy?    

I don’t want to give away the names of specific characters in case someone hasn’t read a book yet but, in general, I do like writing murderers who are just ordinary people that find themselves in a situation where they felt the need to kill someone. Some of those characters tug at my heart strings.

Let's talk about your covers . . .

Do you have a favorite? 

I love all of my covers, but I think the Halloween one for Designed For Haunting is my favorite, with the Christmas cover of Ghosts of Painting Past a close second. The one for Paint the Town Dead always makes me want to go to the beach.

The current one seems to have a few clues.  Finding a clue or two on your covers is that normal? 

It depends on the story. I don’t like to give too much away in the covers, but there are usually elements of the story in the cover.

You have just written 'The End" what do you do to celebrate? 

Go out to dinner and/or take a couple days off from writing. I don’t go out to eat much so that’s a treat.

About the book 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for featuring my book. I enjoyed doing the interview.
