
Friday, February 23, 2018

Murder Is A Dirty Business-Book Review- Great Escapes Tour/Giveaway

About the book 
When Cece Cavanaugh’s husband empties their joint bank account, steals her designer luggage, and runs off with a younger woman, Cece must decide whether to ask her manipulative mother-in-law for a handout or get a job. Choosing the easier path, Cece lands a job cleaning a crime scene where a high school coach was murdered. When his wife is implicated—a young woman Cece practically raised—Cece finds herself mopping floors, balancing an empty checkbook, and ferreting out a killer.
Amid all this messy business, Cece bumps heads with a handsome detective. She tries to ignore her growing attraction to the detective, but he gives new meaning to the term “hot flash.”
After she stumbles onto a clue that could vindicate her friend, her elation turns to panic when she haphazardly confronts the killer. Through the danger and romance, Cece discovers self-reliance and inner strength.
And that crime—at least, someone else’s—does pay the bills.
And others are saying 
Cece is one of my new heroines. Proof that women don’t have to sit in rocking chairs, knit little things and pet their cats after reaching a certain age. They can start over – in life, in business, in love. They can surprise the heebie jeebies out of themselves and the people around them.
~Back Porchervations

And I thought
I always really enjoy it when I get into the beginning of a new series!  It is refreshing meeting all the characters from the beginning!

Murder Is A Dirty Business is chock full of fun characters that I expect will likely be a big part of this series.  

Cece the main character just gets to you.  I don't think I could have handled all the drama layed on her by the cheating husband 
with near as much elegance and style.  Cece can keep her mouth shut when need be.  And steps up to the plate to provide for 
her family when her double crossing cheating husband decides to run off to Rio. 

And then the jerk comes back when Cece has a little trouble with a hit and run driver and decides he wants to 'man up'.  

Thankfully Cece has had plenty of time in his absence to put on her 'Big Girl' pants and she shuts him down and out of her life!

Cece steps up to the plate gets a job and then realizes that the business woman in her just 'oozes out'.  She manages clients and a boss that throws her to the wolves w/o a lot of preparation.  Fletcher the owner of Bonafide CSC has a funny way of helping 
his new employee but turns out to be a good boss.  

With all that Cece has to handle in her personal life the murder 
of her daughters good friends husband ends up taking priority when Kim her daughters best friend becomes a person of interest.  
 Cece again steps up to the plate and ferrets out the real bad guy (?).  

All the while annoying the pants off the handsome and hot 
detective.  Detective Adler ends up putting in his two sense and letting the apprehensive Cece know in no uncertain terms he's interested, available and waiting.  And leaves the door open for the reader to see more of the 'simmer' in the next installment. 

And, so this reader is waiting somewhat patiently for the next installment!  

Admittedly I have say once again.  I was not taken by the cover. 
If your a cover junkie like me.  Ignore your first impression and 
buy it anyway.   I promise you will have a hard time putting this 
one down!  

I received a complimentary copy.
This review will appear on retail sites where available.
This review will appear on Good Reads.

Character Interview
Hello Cece.  Welcome to the blog!  I am so glad you felt like stopping in for a visit after all drama of the last few weeks! Thanks! I am so glad to sit down and rest. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I’m not normally a big one for drama or calling attention to myself, so it’s been a rough ride for sure. I’m hoping things will settle down, but who knows. I know I don’t want to settle for status quo anymore. I may have to be the one shaking things up. You know they say, the best is yet to come. Hang on and let’s see.

Have you ever visited a blog before? I have. In the past, before you-know-who, did you-know-what, I visited foodie blogs to find new recipes for my family, travel blogs to find new destinations for vacation, and even a party-planning blog to help me plan better parties. Now, I’m visiting parenting blogs to find out how to cope with teenage angst, cleaning blogs to help me identify ways to… well, clean. Oh, and there’s the how to cope with hot flash blog that I frequently visit. Short of strapping a fan to my arm, I’m open to suggestions on how to deal with my frequent “power surges.”

Before we start chatting can I offer you a sweet tea or soda (Dr. Pepper or Coke)? As a certified mid-westerner, I am devoted to iced tea with a natural sugar alternative, but I have southern roots on my Grandpa Earl’s side of the family. When I can get an honest-to-goodness real sweet tea (not the stuff with sugar stirred in), count me in. I’ll have to work extra hard tomorrow. I’ve gained 5 lbs. since the Willow debacle started.

 I hope your feeling o.k.  How is that bump on your head? Thanks so much for asking. I’m feeling much better. It left a goose-egg for a while, but I’m back to normal. Or normal for me anyway.

My goodness things have sure been a bit crazy for you haven’t they? I’ll say. And I thought those planning committee meetings were stressful. Just shows you to never let yourself get complacent, because when you do life has a way of twirling your tail in a completely different direction. Believe me, I feel like I’ve been spun 360 degrees on a major highway with tractor-trailers coming at me from every direction.

I can’t even imagine you’ve kept it all together with so much going on! Isn’t that the truth? I’ve fallen apart more than once, but between Jessie and Angie they help keep me centered.

I am so glad you’ve had Angie helping you out in her little behind the scenes way. Well, some of her help, I could do without, if you now what I mean. She can be a bit pushy. Now, I’m not talking behind her back, because I tell her that all the time. But she really is a great. I am fortunate to have her as my best friend and my neighbor. It’s doesn’t get any better. Plus, she keeps my fridge clean by eating my leftovers.

She must be a really good friend!  How long have you known each other? Honestly, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know Angie. We grew up together, went to the same school, got our training bras the same day, had crushes on all the same boys, except Phillip. Angie always despised Phillip. Turns out she had him pegged right from the start. It took me a little longer—like 30 years. Oy vey!

 Boy it was timely her slipping that newspaper on your windshield.  Just in time to land a great paying job!  Wasn’t that a turn of good fortune. In retrospect, maybe alligator wrestling or aerial trapeze artist would have been less dangerous. Just kidding! Angie always looks out for me.

 You seem to be working things out with Fletcher.  Are you beginning to figure out this whole new experience of being a working single mom? Stay tuned on the Fletcher front. He’s not too happy about the pepper spray. Michelle has calmed down a bit, but it doesn’t take much to get her out of sorts. I think it’s all that hormony-stuff that teenage girls experience. And it doesn’t help that I’m going through some hormony-stuff as well. I’m starting to get the bills under control. If I can just get Phillip to come around about making the mortgage whole. I do have a bit of leverage in that department.  If his mother finds out, she’ll make his life miserable. No one besmirches the Cavanaugh name, not even her heir-apparent.

Speaking of single mom I know things are ‘hairy’ with Michelle.  Any new hair color lately?  No, thank goodness. I don’t know what that child was thinking. Apparently, she wasn’t. She’s got beautiful hair and to do that was just unfathomable. She’s lucky it came out, because I would have shaved her head bald.

Jessica has been such a help to you hasn’t she?   Yes, she’s my rock. 

You must be so proud of her for stepping in and helping with her younger sister with all the mess with Kim and the police investigating everyone. I’m proud of both my daughters, and there have been times when Jess was a challenge, just like Michelle. Fortunately, she grew out of it and into a beautiful, mature woman. I have hopes that will work for Michelle, too. Jess is like me, logical and feet planted firmly on the ground. I suppose that works in her favor as a nurse. I was pleased that she took the lead and showed me how to keep my books, so I didn’t wind up in legal trouble. That would have been a nightmare.

You’ve done such a great job of stepping into your new role.  I sure do hope the new job goes well and things settle down in town for a while.  Oh, me too. Wickford is such a great community, aside of that one murder. I’ve got my hands full at Hunter Springs. And truly, I do not want to see anymore untimely deaths in my hometown.

Somehow I have a feeling though peace and quiet might be short lived!  Have things settled down for you? I’m slowly starting to find my new normal. But with a teen in the house, a soon-to-be-ex constantly showing up, and a best friend who is bound and determined to fix my love life, I don’t know if that’s possible. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping in.  I can’t wait to chat again.  Maybe you’ll have some news to share.  Everyone can sure see that little twinkle in your eye when Alder is around! {Cough! Cough!} Sorry, didn’t mean to lose my tea like that. What? Twinkle? You must have me mistaken for someone else. {cough, cough} I’m keeping my distance, because it is so hard to concentrate when he is around. I mean, the blue eyes, moustache, and five-o’clock shadow. Where was I? Oh, no we’ll leave that discussion for another time. I am not interested. Okay, a little. But with the investigation wrapped up, I’m sure I won’t have any reason to contact him. But then there’s always Angie and her way of nosing into my love life. We’ll see. Thanks for having me and until we meet again, stay classy, sassy, and kickassy. 
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  1. Thank you for the review on "Murder Is A Dirty Businass" as well as being part of the book tour!

    I'd very much love the chance to read this book.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. congrats on your book. this was a fun post.
    quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  3. Great review. a book I would enjoy reading. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  4. Thanks for having Cece on today. She is enjoying the visit and ready for her next adventure. Cheers! Tricia
