
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Par for Cinderella by Petie McCarty-Goddess Fish Promo Tour

About the book 
Billionaire Aidan Cross longs to escape his life of celebrity and become a regular guy, if only for a brief time. His chance comes when his yacht breaks down near quaint Cypress Key, Florida—the site of his planned five-star golf resort. The golf resort no one in town wants.

Casey Stuart has given up her dream of escaping to the big city. She refuses to desert her uncle, even when he hires the new stranger in town to replace her at their golf course. Casey vows to steer clear of the stranger called Aidan and the danger their inescapable chemistry provokes. Aidan’s stay is temporary, and falling for him promises only heartbreak.

When Casey discovers Cypress Key’s mayor is making underhanded business deals, she ends up on the wrong side of the powerful autocrat. Aidan steps in to rescue her, but secrets from his past threaten to bogey their new-found relationship. 

And I thought 
A fun and sometimes funny read.  I was drawn in from page 1 but I was captured when Aidan and Casey accidentally meet.  
Accidentally in that Casey is knocked overboard from her tour boat and hits her head.  Aidan seeing the whole thing jumps in and drags Casey out of the water.  
And so begins the romance.  

Even though Casey has been hurt in the past she can't deny her attraction to Aidan when her uncle decides Aidan needs to move in with them after bailing him out of jail for decking the guy that sent Casey overboard in the first place.

Along with just a fun romance there is some thrill and intrigue going on too.  It's not suspenseful necessarily but the town mayor isn't all he is suppose to be and in fact he is basically a criminal.  

Although Par for Cinderella is a standalone it is part of the series.
A few of the characters from the previous titles make an appearance and help Aidan out as they investigate the illegal dealings that are going on in town.  

I really enjoyed this one.  Aidan did turn out to be Caseys very own Prince Charming and everything ends happily ever after. 

If you like a good sweet and clean romance check this one out and the rest of the series too!

The series

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  1. Cinderella thanks you for your kind words, for taking valuable time to read and review our story, and for hosting us on our Goddess Fish Book Tour! Have a magical week!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
