
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chutes and Ladder by Marc Jedel-Great Escapes Tour-Character Guest Post/ Giveaway

Character Interview with Marty Golden, protagonist in
Chutes and Ladder: A Silicon Valley Mystery (Book 2)

I got a chance to ask a few questions of Marty Golden, protagonist in Chutes and Ladder and Uncle and Ants, both part of the Silicon Valley Mystery series.

Do you have a personal motto?
I try to live by words from my dad: “If the appetizers are good, eat them. You never know what’s for dinner.”

So, then what’s in your refrigerator right now?
Hmm, I’m actually not sure. I’ve been pretty swamped at work and trying to figure out who killed my friend. Could be anything in there. Normally I’d have healthy food. Well, mostly healthy. I mean, I’m nothing like my sister, Laney, but I try. And who knows what’s still in there from when my nieces’ stayed over a month ago.

What’s on your bedroom floor right now?
Carpeting. Is that the kind of answer you’re looking for? Doesn’t everyone have carpeting? I hate those fancy hotel rooms with hardwood floors. It’s way too cold to step on bare floors in the mornings. I guess you could leave slippers near the bed. Of course, then I’d have to answer this question with ‘hardwood floors’ or ‘slippers’. That’s too complicated. I like carpeting.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?
Well, my mother would say passing eleventh grade English. I was always better at math. We read a bunch of Shakespeare plays in eleventh grade and I didn’t get it. His plays weren’t funny and no one can understand them. The words ‘iambic pentameter’ still give me nightmares. All that said, my answer would be different from my mother’s. I’d say my greatest accomplishment happened just in the last month or so. I became partners with Sergeant Mace Jackson as we solved a few murders. Shh! I’m not supposed to tell people. He doesn’t want anyone to know about us working together. His actual words were “Don’t ever say that again.” But I’m sure he only said it like that because other cops were nearby.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Is this a trick question? I mean it feels like one. If I say there’s nothing, then I sound pompous and arrogant. But, if I say something real, does that count against me? Is someone keeping score?

What early event shaped you the most?
When my younger sister, Laney, managed to get me in trouble with our parents for the first time. I realized I had to up my game. It’s tough to compete against a cute three-year-old.

Complete the following sentence: “I am the kind of person who ...“
… hates completing sentences that start like this.

What is the one word you would use to define yourself? What is the one word others would use to define you?
I’d say ‘persistent’. I hate to give up when one more attempt might solve the problem. That’s usually a sign of a good engineer. Or detective! Others have called me ‘obsessive’. Yet, often a person’s biggest strengths are also their greatest weaknesses. I prefer ‘persistent’, it’s more positive.

What makes you laugh?
Me. I really crack myself up sometimes.

What annoys you?
Software bugs. And green salsa. What’s with that? Salsa should be red. Green seems cool and calming when you see it in a dish. Almost pretty even. But, watch out! It’s a big fake out. Green salsa is way spicy … I’m not going back to that place again.

What is the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you? 
What!? Hey, that’s not a fair question to spring on me. I was promised this was going to be a friendly interview, not probing about that humiliating time when I  …  Can we move on? 

What do you feel most passionately about? 
That seems a little personal, too. Are you going to publish this? What did my boss get me into? I thought this was a reward for my outstanding work. Can Laney help me with the answers, she’s in HR so she’s used to making execs sound smarter than they really are. Ok, you still want an answer? Well, I’m not sure I’m passionate about them, but I really like tacos. Just no green salsa.

How does it feel to be in a second book?
I don’t understand. What book?

Chutes and Ladder: A Silicon Valley Mystery. It’s a humorous murder mystery. Surely, you’ve heard of it?
No, sorry. Lately, I’ve been too busy to read. There has been this guy who seems to be watching me all the time and writing down whatever I’m saying. It’s not like I’m paranoid or anything. But, it’s as if he’s inside my head and knows what I’m thinking. He follows me around everywhere. Is it paranoid if it’s the truth?

Thanks, Marty for your time. Chutes and Ladder, book 2 in the Silicon Valley Mystery series, can be read standalone. It and Uncle and Ants are free to Kindle Unlimited readers and will have special pricing during the Great Escapes Tour so be sure to buy them today at Amazon. For more about the books or author, please visit

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