Thursday, May 2, 2024

Character Interview Feat Hope Early from Debra Sennefelder Food Blogger Series


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Interview with Hope Early the main character in Debra Sennefelder's Food Blogger Series . . . 

I am so excited to get a chance to talk! I have never met a Food blogger! How exciting that must be!

I love food blogging. There are days when it’s very exciting, like when I attend conferences or when I’m at an event representing a brand I love using. Then there are days when it’s not so exciting. Those are usually the long days of cooking, photographing, editing and finding that the internet is down. I’m left scrambling to get a Wi-Fi signal.

And look at these cookies! So sweet of you bake!

Thank you. Since my first attempt baking when I was a kid were cookies, I have a fondness and weakness for them.

I cannot imagine doing all the cooking and taking photo’s and all.

It’s a lot of work producing content several times a week for my blog. In addition, there’s the social media part as sell as the promoting and the outreach to brands. But I love what I do. As long as I have my trusty planner beside me at all times, I’m able to juggle all the tasks that need to get done.

Can you tell us how you became a Food Blogger?

It started as a hobby while I was working as the editor of a cooking magazine back in New York City. I wanted to have somewhere that I shared my love for cooking, baking and entertaining. At the time I didn’t think I’d ever be a full-time blogger, but life has a way of throwing you curve balls. There was a point in my life where I had to decide whether to continue on the career path I had been on since graduating college or make a major change and move back to Jefferson. I went the major change route and decided since I was turning my life upside down why not give myself a year to see if I could make it as a blogger. So far, so good. Sure, it had been scary but I’m so happy now and I can’t imagine going back to the life I had in the city.

Do you have help producing your blog?

I have recently hired a part-time assistant to help with administrative work but I’m mostly a one-woman show.

You have to love food since you blog about it. So what’s your guilty pleasure?

Anything chocolate.

I am glad to visit with you the weekend. Sundays are always a great day to relax. How do you spend a lazy Sunday afternoon?

I love Sundays. Being self-employed and owning an old home, I rarely have lazy Sundays. And I’m good with that because I love to cook and bake. It’s my job but it’s also a stress reliever for me. Since we’re into fall, I love cooking comfort food for my family. So, a perfect Sunday is having my home filled with family, my boyfriend Ethan, my friends and then after eating we settle in the family room to watch a movie.

I love riding horses. Do you have any pets?

My sister and I took riding lessons when we were kids. One day I’d love to have a horse. Right now, I have a dog, Bigelow, and a cat, Princess. I also have chickens.

Thank you for inviting me in for the Scavenger Hunt I am sure it will be exciting. Hopefully no corpses will be found.

Our annual scavenger hunt usually goes on without any hitches but I guess there’s a first time for everything and certainly this year’s hunt will not be forgotten.

I cannot believe that it seems everywhere you turn you run into a murder that needs to be investigated! But you seem to have a talent at sleuthing!

It’s no secret I love a good mystery but I never in my wildest dreams ever thought I’d be involved in real-life murders. And never in my beloved hometown. But I guess it doesn’t matter what your zip code is, there’s evil out there in the world. I’m not sure I have a talent; I think I’ve just been curious and lucky.

How do the local guys (P.D.) feel about your solving the crimes the are working on?

They’re not very pleased when I insert myself into official police business. One more than one occasion Detective Sam Reid has threatened to arrest me for interring in his investigation. I can see his point of view but the times I have inserted myself into his cases is when I really needed to help someone I care about.

Is there anyone friends or relatives that help you when your sleuthing?

I do. I have my best friend, Drew Adams. We grew up together. After college he returned to Jefferson to work at the local newspaper. I also have a dear friend, Jane Merrifield. Back in the day she wrote mystery novels but retired to raise her family. The both of them are wonderful sounding boards when I’m trying to work something out and they’re also great assets when it comes to digging up information.

You seem to be so good at investigating. Do you think that you’ll end up making another career change?

I never say never but if I do have another career change in the future, I don’t think it’ll be to investigate crimes.

Oh my look at the clock. I cannot believe I have kept you so long and you have such a tight schedule!

Thanks so much for chatting a bit. Best of Luck with that Scavenger Hunt.

It’s been my pleasure. I’ve truly enjoyed chatting with you today.

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